
This blog belongs to Paulo Diovani.

Check contact page to get in touch.

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All site content is published on GitHub at github.com/paulodiovani/blog.diovani.com.

Feel free to fork or collaborate.

Post Categories

All posts are published under three main categories. These are the main topics I like to write about.

Whenever I feel to write about something else, it’ll be an uncategorized post.


Romance (from Vulgar Latin rōmānicē “in the Roman language”, i.e. “Latin”) may refer to:


  • medieval Romance literature, specifically the genre of the chivalric
  • romance literature



In Brazilian Portuguese, we have the following definition.

O termo romance (do latim romanice: “em língua românica”, através do provençal romans) pode referir-se a dois gêneros literários. O primeiro deles é uma composição poética popular, histórica ou lírica, transmitida pela tradição oral, sendo geralmente de autor anônimo; corresponde aproximadamente à balada medieval. Como forma literária moderna, o termo designa uma composição em prosa. – pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romance

In short, this category will present all posts related to literature or derived from it, including novels, movies, TV shows and even video games.


My late blogs were mostly about technology, usually about GNU/Linux or software development.

This category includes these topics and also everything about innovations, tendencies or jobs in the area.

Tabletop games

Roleplaying games and boardgames are my first options in entertainment and I like to discuss a lot about them. Specially when I’m reading about a new rules system, testing a game, developing or making some hacks.

English or Brazilian Portuguese

Portuguese is my native language and so, a lot of this blog content will be written with it.

But a lot will be written in English too, mostly on the Technology Category, as it’s the most important (and necessary) language on the area.

I hope to be able to add i18n to this blog and publish every content in both languages, but meanwhile, the post language will be chosen according to the target public.

Hagura Theme

Jekyll theme Hagura.

For more themes, visit https://blog.webjeda.com


Hagura theme and all code samples published on this blog are under MIT License.

Text content and images are under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International, unless specified differently.