Paulo Diovani

A personal blog about romance, technology and tabletop games

Moving to Medium (maybe) July 25, 2018 in romance

Quando comecei esse novo blog em Jekyll configurei meu IFTTT para fazer cross-posting com o Medium, ou melhor, republicar no Medium tudo o que eu postava aqui. Isso fazia sentido na época porque Jekyll é muito melhor para escrever artigos sobre programação, incluindo exemplos de código, que eram predominantes no meu blog.

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7 Must Have Gnome Shell Extensions September 19, 2017 in technology

Gnome 3 allow the user to install Extensions for several thing, from adding some widgets for easy access to desktop features to completely change ui and behavior. Here are some suggestions that I’ve using for a while, some of them I think indispensable.

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Chromium native desktop notifications July 27, 2017 in technology

Chromium Browser has just introduced Native Desktop Notifications for Linux and Mac. That means that we don’t have to see that ugly upper right notification box anymore, but just use our desktop default ones. :D

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How to Improve Linux performance and memory usage?
July 06, 2017 in technology

This article reunites some practices I’ve been using for a while to improve performance on Arch Linux but will work for other distros too. Most of them related to (better) memory usage and caching.

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Moving Docker container data around June 24, 2017 in technology

There are several methods to deal with data in Docker containers, since it’s flexible enough to backup, move or share volumes. So, here’s is a tip on how to move data around in a fast and secure way based on an experience I had.

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NPM@5 arrived. But is it as fast as Yarn?
May 31, 2017 in technology

Earlier this month I posted about how yarn is much faster than npm, but today NPM itself posted on Medium about npm@5 and how fast it has become. I fell like I need to add it to my former comparison, so here it goes.

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Should I migrate to Yarn?
May 18, 2017 in technology

Yarn is an alternative package manager for Node.js and Javascript. Acclaimed for being much faster, reliable and secure compared to Npm. But does it really justify a change?

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Parallel tests with AVA
April 11, 2017 in technology

There are a lot of test frameworks for Javascript/Node.js and I’ve been working with Mocha, Jasmine and Lab for a while. But I decided to give a try to AVA in a new project to be able to write faster specs in ES2017.

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Black Mirror S03E04 – San Junipero
February 16, 2017 in romance

Uma amiga comentou esses dias no Facebook que “Viu um episódio feliz de Black Mirror”. Tratava-se do episódio entitulado San Junipero. O final é bonito e emocionante mas, fazendo uma breve análise, será mesmo?

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Flattening JS Modules
February 11, 2017 in technology

My colleagues says that I’m a perfectionist. That’s somewhat true, as I’m always concerned about easy to read and maintainable code. In this post I’ll give some tips on how to write better Javascript modules with a simple rule in mind – No line should be indented more than once, unless really necessary.

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Rails Girls Novo Hamburgo
January 30, 2017 in technology

Dias 10 e 11 de Março acontecerá na Universidade Feevale a segunda edição do Rails Girls NH.

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Os arquivos de Dresden
January 28, 2017 in romance

Já faz algum tempo que venho lendo uma série de romances chamada The Dresden Files, do autor norte americano Jim Butcher. Resolvi escrever um pouco sobre eles, compartilhando minhas impressões.

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Contained header images
January 27, 2017 in technology

I have just added header images to blog pages/posts, with a small animation to expand them to it’s full size on hover.

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Magia em Dresden Files RPG
January 26, 2017 in tabletop games

Prometi fazer um resumo dos sistemas de magia no DFRPG para auxiliar meu grupo. Vou tentar ser bem breve, para permitir um leitura e entedimento rápido.

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Adding atom feed January 25, 2017 in technology

Just a small update. Now you can subscribe for this blog posts in the address

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Functional programming with Lodash/FP January 25, 2017 in technology

We have been hearing a lot about functional programming since the past couple of years and even how to use the paradigm in Javascript. For the ones are used to the Lodash library, know that it exports a module to help with functional programming. We’re about to see the main differences.

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Novo blog January 19, 2017 in technology

Finalmente resolvi criar um blog com Jekyll.

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